The CARMAO Quali-Pass:

What is more expensive than education? No education.

Is a state-of-the-art solution designed to enhance the quality of your operations. Further
training is available to those who would benefit from it.It would be difficult to identify an expense that outstrips the cost of education. A lack ofeducation.It is crucial to possess the requisite knowledge and qualifications to advance in your career.It is irrelevant whether you are employed by a company, are a freelancer, self-employed or a private individual: The Quali-Pass from the Academy for Organisational Resilience represents a significant saving on the cost of education.

You can select the pass that best meets your requirements and enjoy the benefits

Standard Pass for only EUR 99, -€ per year

Master-Pass for only 299, -€ EUR per year

Order your Quali-Pass here

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