Continuous learning
through gamification

Please contact us for further advice, demo access or a customized offer.

While there are numerous and extensive technical options for securing information
technology (IT), there is an increasing focus on the users themselves – the people – as
potential targets for attack. The lack of technical knowledge and subsequent
inappropriate behaviour negate the effectiveness of security measures, making attacks
more likely to succeed.

A company-specific awareness programme will ensure that your employees are aware of
potential threats and attacks. Until recently, in-person training was the only viable option
for professional development. Nevertheless, online awareness programmes now offer a
number of advantages.

Advantages of our Awareness Services:

  • The training courses can be integrated into employees’ daily work routines,
    allowing them to learn flexibly in terms of time and location. There is no need to
    coordinate training dates.
  • Employees are involved in the implementation of the programme.
  • The online modules are based on a 3D gamification concept. Gamification is the
    transfer of typical game elements and processes into non-game contexts (e.g.
    security awareness) with the aim of changing behaviour and increasing motivation
    among users.

3D animations

  • Visually appealing to the user
  • Can be easily edited
  • Concentrates on the essential topics

Interactive Story:

  • Is used to display a real-life situation
  • Is used to display a real-life situation
  • “Playing” the Story increases a User’s Attention

Gamification and personalization

  • Game-based approaches help to maintain a high level of motivation
  • Personalised exercises increase efficiency through personal references

Development of our awareness program:

The awareness programme comprises a total of 32 modules, divided into four subject areas
as follows:

Information Security

Occupational safety

Data protection


You can choose between two subscription models

If you take out a multi-year subscription, we offer a discount on the annual subscription price. We charge an initial processing fee for setting up the employees and rolling out the booked modules on the platform. There is also an annual service fee for regular user management.

Upgrades from Basic to Pro subscriptions are possible at any time during the contract term, downgrades are always possible at the end of the respective contract year.

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